O - x - O O - x O - x - x - x -
This groove went on for the standard twenty minutes or so, with some enthusiastic dancers keeping the energy high; and a few other beats followed, but when finally the rain fell harder and the dark descended, I called it a day and headed home. Along the way that sangban pattern kept returning, and I heard it now extended, from a sixteen-beat bar in 4/4, to a two-bar pattern in 12/8:
O - x - O O - x O - O - >
O - x - O O - x M - x -
There was a funky djembe pattern still with me too from the beginning of the jam, a variant of Fula Fare:
P - g T P - P d g T G -
Putting this together with the new sangban rhythm, I realized, might make a good combination. So I plugged these into my digital drum rhythm software, Percussion Studio, and the rest of the parts fell into place. I call the resulting mix "Little Beach Rain." Enjoy!